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BricsCad Platinum v13.1.16 Portable
[ ·    (110.43 Мб) ] 03.02.2013, 20:38
BricsCad Platinum v13.1.16


        BricsCad Platinum v13.1.16 Portable .

     BricsCAD это мощная САПР платформа, которая объединяет знакомый набор базовых функций с усовершенствованным набором 2D инструментов и интеллектуальным прямым 3D моделированием для Windows и Linux по приемлемой цене.

Высоко совместимая

Bricscad считывает и записывает в формате DWG и предлагает очень высокую совместимость с AutoCAD ®. Кроме того Bricscad предлагает 3D прямое моделирование в формате DWG. Bricscad, гораздо больше, чем альтернатива.

Включение решения сторонних приложений
Bricscad является наиболее дружественно развитой платформой в отрасли САПР. Благодаря полному набору совместимых API, приложения сторонних производителей могут работать на Bricscad без изменения исходного кода.

Почему BricsCAD?
Не только полный пакет САПР, а также сочетание совместимости, привычный интерфейс, непревзойденная поддержка, делает BricsCAD выбором вашей CAD платформы.

5 причин выбрать BricsCAD

  •  2D/3D dwg САПР
  •  набор 2D инструментов и прямое 3D моделирование
  •  платформа для программирования
  •  выбор решений сторонних разработчиков
  •  поддержка и приемлемая цена

     Bricscad® V13 is our most innovative release so far. It offers Direct Modeling in native .dwg – no conversion needed – and you can add 3D constraints to the model and keep full control on them. Modeling in rendered mode is made easy. You can almost learn it in an hour thanks to the Quad tool, it reduces clicks to an absolute minimum.
      BricsCAD is the powerful CAD software platform unifying the familiar feature set of native dwg with advanced 2D tools and intelligent 3D direct modeling on Windows and Linux, and this at a compelling price.

Highly compatible

BricsCAD reads and writes the dwg format and offers very high compatibility with AutoCAD®. In addition BricsCAD offers 3D Direct Modeling in native dwg. BricsCAD, so much more than an alternative.
Enabling third party solutions
BricsCAD is the most development friendly CAD platform in the industry. Thanks to industry compatible API's third party solutions can run on BricsCAD without modifying the source code.

Why BricsCAD?
Not only the full suite of CAD features, but also the combination of compatibility, familiar interface, unmatched support and compelling price make BricsCAD your CAD platform of choice.

Version 13.1.16 - 11/01/2013


FIND: the Ctrl-F keyboard shortcut has been reassigned to trigger FIND instead of formerly -OSNAP _T . The F3 function key remains available to trigger -OSNAP _T .
    -LAYER: added the option 'stAte', for creating, editing, renaming, restoring, deleting, importing and exporting layer states.
    PLINE, 3DPOLY: these commands now show a non-segmented polyline entity without artefacts. The memory usage has been reduced as well.
    RENDER: responsiveness while working in High Quality shade mode has been improved by temporarily reducing the display quality during operations.
    SR37325 - SPLINES: the performance of DIVIDE and MEASURE commands for splines has been improved by a factor 30.
    SR37862 - CUI: the number of allowed client context menu entries has been increased to 23000.  
    SR38015 - SPLINES: the performance for offsetting splines has been improved by a factor 10.

    BMHIDE, BMSHOW, BMVSTYLE: edges and faces were present in the selection Tab-cycle in spite of the fact that commands are applicable only for entire components
    LAYER FILTER: the filters for Xrefs and Viewport Overrides were not listed in the Layer Filter combo control.
    LOCALIZATION: True/False values for the Visible property were not translated in the Mechanical Browser (now replaced with Yes/No).
    VISUAL STYLE EXPLORER: predefined visual styles were no longer marked with a different color.
    VISUAL STYLE EXPLORER: in translated versions, the current item marker was not shown when the 'Current' column of a predefined Visual Style was clicked.
    REFEDIT: when a block with constraints was REFEDITed, followed by a discard of changes, a subsequent attempt to REFEDIT and discard the changes failed.
    SR31497 - COPY/PASTE: when copy/pasting blocks between drawings, the INSUNITS variable was correctly applied when setting the Unitfactor of the pasted block, but the Scale value of the pasted block was undesirably manipulated so it neutralized the effect of the Unitfactor value. The same problem occurred when inserting blocks from the Block Explorer dialog in case the Align option was used.
    SR35091 - DISPLAY: TEXT and INSERT entities that were moved, disappeared after moving, in case the original location was out of view when they were placed at the new location.
    SR37451 - VIEWS: the command '-view' 'window' incorrectly asked for a Viewport to select, instead of asking for the name of the view.
    SR37452 - SNAP: grip point snapped to other grip points during grip-editing, sometimes had different coordinates.
    SR37459 - LOCALIZATION: translated prompt menu strings of BMBOM/BMINSERT commands were ignored in some localized BricsCAD versions.
    SR37531, SR37855 - DIALOG: the Open/Save file dialog could be off-screen. (follow-up to improve previous fix)
    SR37853 - SPLINES: the length of a spline that had negative knots was displayed as zero.
    SR37910 - OLE: copying/pasting from Open Office Calc to BricsCAD added a point instead of a viewable OLE object.
    SR37938 - XREF: when a nested Xref with the same name as a block was added in the same drawing, only the path to the Xref was displayed. This is not longer possible, and will prompt an error message.
    SR38080 - FILLET: failed for user-provided example.
    SR38112 - BLOCKS: both the Drawing Explorer and the BLOCK command accepted block names (and other symbol table names) that included a double quote character ("). Such names should not be accepted, as they will cause problems later on. Also, the list of prohibited characters shown in error messages, was not the same for each message, and not always correct.
    SR38127, SR38128, SR38131 - MBUTTONPAN: panning did not work when MBUTTONPAN==1 and CTRLMOUSE==0.
    SR38149 - CONSTRAINTS: executing a command on a drawing that contained corrupted constraints caused BricsCAD to crash.
    SR38165 - RENDER: in some cases the render background was missing from the rendered result.
    SR38186 - PRINTING: failed when all the viewports in paper space were off (regression introduced in 13.1.15)
    SR38262 - DOUBLE CLICK ACTION: when double-clicking an attribute, instead of being selected in the editor, the first item in the attribute list was selected.(regression introduced in 13.1.15)


    LISP: new VLE functions
    (vle-dictobjname dictename dictitem) returns the entity name of 'itemname' in dictionary 'dictename', if present, or NIL.
    (vle-dictsearch dictename dictitem) returns T if dictionary 'dictename' contains 'itemname', or NIL.
    (vle-tblsearch tblname tblitem) returns T if table 'tblnamename' contains 'tblitem', or NIL.
    LISP, SDS, BRX: fixed ssget ":N" functionality for both wireframe and shaded modes to select entities in nested solids, which was not happening earlier. So now, solids and block references (leaving out edges & faces) will get selected.
    SR38073 - LISP: improved the performance when saving (vlax-ldata) objects.
    SR38195 - LISP: a crash occurred when calling ENTMAKE in a user-provided join routine written in lisp.
Home Page: www.bricsys.com
Информация о программе

Released: 2012
Homepage: www.bricsys.com
OS : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Лекарство: OK
Language: English
Формат: 7z
Size: 110.43 Мб
Категория: Офисный soft | Добавил: Teks
Просмотров: 521 | Загрузок: 297 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 0
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